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Community Research Institute

Contact Us for Your Project

Dr. Tom Sutton, Director, Community Research Institute, (440) 826-2460

Media Inquiries

Dr. Tom Sutton, Director, Community Research Institute, (440) 826-2460

Dr. Lauren Copeland, Associate Director, Community Research Institute, (440) 826-3846

Shawn Salamone, Director of Public Information, (440) 826-2322

Latest Polls

2023 Ohio Pulse Poll
Statewide snapshot of likely November election voters released Oct. 18, 2023.

Press Release

Topline Data and Methodology

2022 Ohio Pulse Poll -3
Statewide snapshot of likely midterm voters released Oct. 27, 2022.

Press Release

Topline Data and Methodology

2022 Ohio Pulse Poll -2
Statewide snapshot of registered voters released Oct. 10, 2022.

Press Release

Topline Data and Methodology

2022 Ohio Pulse Poll -1
Statewide snapshot of likely midterm voters released Sept 22, 2022.

Press Release

Topline Data and Metodology Statement

Ohio Parent Poll
Children's Defense Fund-Ohio (CDF-Ohio) partnered with BW CRI to capture the views of parents on the state's educational framework.

Joint Press Release

Finding Unity and Common Ground: What Ohio Parents Want for Their Children's Education -CDF-Ohio

Topline Report

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Services Offered

The Baldwin Wallace University Community Research Institute (CRI) provides consulting and research services to government agencies, nonprofits, foundations, community-based organizations, businesses and media including:

  • Opinion polls and surveys
  • Focus groups and interviews
  • Content analysis
  • Demographics surveys
  • GIS social and political mapping
  • Needs assessments
  • Evaluation studies
  • Feasibility studies
  • Market surveys and analyses
  • Documentary & secondary source research
  • Big data analysis
  • Social media analysis

Student Research Opportunities

CRI also serves as a laboratory for teaching BW students research methods, providing hands-on experience in applied research, and multi-media training in the methodology and substance of research on social and political issues. Experienced, full-time BW faculty make up CRI's professional staff and have direct oversight on all CRI projects.

Survey Research Center

The CRI survey research center is equipped with state-of-the-art computers and telecommunications equipment that enable accurate gathering and analysis of information using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The center is equipped with 20 call stations for conducting survey calls and data collection for analysis.

CRI Staff